10 Best and High-Paying Jobs for University Students

student jobs in newspaper

In the midst of juggling your university work, socialising and trying to catch some beauty sleep, you’re probably finding it hard to allocate some time to work and replace all the cash that you’ve been chipping away at from your student loan. But don’t worry: the answer is right under your nose with tons of student jobs available for every type of personality and whatever degree you are studying.

Read on to find out about some of the best job opportunities available for students.

1. Website manager

Salary: £30 per hour

Not just for the tech-savvy masterminds studying computer science, web development, multimedia or design. Anyone who knows how to create a website and make it visually captivating is perfect for this job. As a website manager, you'll have to have knowledge of certain languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and SQL, demonstrate your ability to drive traffic to a site and have excellent knowledge of at least one content management system such as WordPress, Drupal or Joomla. But, if you have the interest and patience, it can be a great stepping stone to securing your dream job or just making some extra cash if it’s not a career you want to pursue.

2. Freelance photographer

Salary: £15 per hour

If you love taking a quick snap and spend your days scrolling through Instagram this position is perfect for you. Your passion and enthusiasm for photography will shine through and may even land you a full-time position once you finish university – you don’t even need to study photography, art or anything related at university . To secure this position and become the next Annie Leiovitz have a look at some freelancing websites.

3. Fitness instructor

Salary: £15 per hour

Keeping fit for free? Hell, yeah! I’ll take that opportunity. What’s better than working out, getting to know other gym goers and getting paid for it?! If you’re a certified instructor, studying physical education or a similar subject like physical therapy this is the perfect job for you. Fitness instructors tend to get paid really well too. To find out about job openings check with the gym manager at your local fitness centre both on and off campus.

4. Tutor

Salary: £13–£20 per hour

Are you a pro at English, or, another subject like maths? If so, tutoring and mentoring your peers and teaching high-school students is a great way for you to earn some cash. You can teach them about grammar and how to research, structure and write essays. You can find these jobs by applying through tutoring agencies such as Tutor Hunt and Blue Tutors, either by simply adding your own advertisement to their website or through social media. If face-to-face tutoring is not your thing, though, you may also consider online tutoring. Being a Tutor can give you the necessary skills and patience that you will need for any career or more specifically becoming a teacher.

5. Bartender 

Salary: £7.50 per hour

Partying and working at the same time? Sign me up, please! If you have the right training or are a fast learner, you will be more than capable of working at your local club or bar. This job will have an amazing social scene, you'll be well known on campus and will also receive a decent pay-check including tips at the end of the night. The perfect position for night-owls and everyone can benefit from learning how to provide fast and efficient customer service!

6. Administrative assistant

Salary: £11 per hour

An extra pair of hands is always needed around a busy university campus or many offices including your local GP. At the start of term, head over to your academic department or for example your GP and ask about any part-time admin jobs that are available. If you are quick enough chances are that you will be given priority over other candidates.

Also, showcasing your organisation skills in your daily tasks by making phone calls, filing documents and sending emails is a good chance for you to make connections and network with your lecturers. If you are working at a local surgery you also won't have any problems in seeing your doctor - we all know how difficult that can be sometimes!

7. Residential advisor

Salary: £11–£19 per hour

Are you a bubbly, outgoing extrovert? If so, this job will be a breeze for you. What’s better than getting free housing for the year and arranging socials? Your responsibilities will involve: ensuring your peers are happy, comfortable and you will find yourself being that agony aunt that all new students need when they are feeling unsafe. To bag this great opportunity, you will often have to apply well in advance of the coming semester. To sweeten the deal, it doesn’t require a specific degree and can teach you great social skills that are always useful in the workplace.

8. Pet care worker

Salary: £9 per hour

Calling all animal lovers! You can now get paid to spend quality time with your furry friends. You will perform a number of animal related duties, such as walking dogs, washing them, grooming pets and pet-sitting. This is a perfect opportunity if you are studying to be a Veterinarian as you will learn about handling animals that aren't yours and also great customer service skills. But you don’t have to have a specialist degree, just a love for animals.

9. Campus ambassador

Salary: £8 per hour

Not quite the next Kendal Jenner in the new Estee Lauder campaign? However, you could be representing large companies like Google and Red Bull who hire students to act as ‘student ambassadors’ spreading the word on their new products and services. This can be a really fun job interacting with new undergrads and making connections with peers from other departments. You might even get some freebies!

10. Barista

Salary: £7 per hour

The holy-grail job for all coffee lovers! What’s better than earning cash and enjoying free caramel lattes? This busy environment will teach you many transferable skills, such as customer service, till duties and teamwork. And guess what? You’ll also learn how to make a mean cappuccino – and who doesn’t like a friend who makes an awesome cup of joe. Simply ask at your local Starbucks or Nero to become a barista.

When you first think of a student job, the idea of an exciting PR job abroad allowing you to party and socialise may pop into mind. Nevertheless, being savvy and working in a job that will give you either experience in your field of study or job-worthy skills is something that you should definitely consider.

‘It's wise to consider finding part-time or temporary work which is related to what you'd like to be doing after university, be it a work placement, internship or shadowing,’ says Mike Barnard of graduate recruitment firm Milkround. Not only will this give you first-hand experience, but you'll also be in a position to network and gain useful contacts who may be able to help you land that first job after graduation.

Although the paycheque at the end of the month will be useful, the benefits of having a part-time job while you are studying will outweigh the hard work. You will develop great time management skills and will learn about responsibility which can be transferred in any future job prospects and will be attractive to future employers. You can gain an insight into how local companies work and will also obtain a confidence boost for that all-important role you want to land once graduating.

What job did you have at university? Let us know in the comments section below…