How to Answer the Top 10 Website Manager Interview Questions

How to Answer the Top 10 Website Manager Interview Questions

Website managers are an integral part of any private company or public agency that has a website. These computer professionals ensure that the website is managed competently, updated on a regular basis and is regularly secure.

Moving forward, website managers will remain as important team members as more consumers utilize the Internet for all of their needs.

1. 'Why did you apply for this job?'

No matter what type of job interview you participate in, this question will be asked by the hiring manager. This question is important for management to determine if you’re seeking this employment opportunity as further career advancement or as a temporary position until you find something better.

2. 'What was your most challenging experience as a website manager in your previous employment?'

Websites will continually go through trial and errors, undergo cyber security attacks or problems regarding coding. If you previously worked on a website as a manager then it’s likely you’ve experienced numerous issues. By explaining this to the interviewer you can showcase your problem-solving skills, how you handle problems under pressure and your quick thinking attributes.

3. 'As a website manager, please highlight your strengths and weaknesses.'

No one is perfect, not even a website manager. Some website managers may be equally proficient in both HTML and CSS others may be better at one. It’s best to be honest when it comes to your strengths and weaknesses as a website manager because then the company can identify if you’d be a good fit to its web environment.

4. 'What is your experience with HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby on Rails, XML, etc?'

Let’s face it: the more astute you are in programming languages and computer coding the better the chance you’ll attain the position. However, if you’re limited to two or three then it’s crucial to highlight how experienced you are in these fields and how you have worked with them before on major web projects with other companies and web portals.

5. 'What is your favourite and least favourite website and why?'

This question is meant to gauge feedback as to what makes a good website and what makes it deplorable. Ostensibly, this question can determine if you’re a great fit for the firm because if you think BuzzFeed is a tremendous website, but CNN Money is just bland then you may not be right for the position. It all depends on what the company seeks out.

6. 'What is your favourite and least favourite web browser and why?'

Akin to the previous question, asking about your favorite Internet browsers can help to see if you’re an adaptable website manager. Remember, some websites don’t function as well on certain browsers. Also, by listing off and explaining what your favorite and least favorite browsers are, it can further assist in concluding if you’re an adequate candidate.

7. 'What are some of the websites you previously worked on?'

If you have at least three years of experience as a website manager then it’s likely you’ve worked on a handful of websites before. Always list off the most well-known first and then if they ask for others you can provide them with that information. The more prestige the website is the better the odds are in your favor.

8. 'How did you acquire your computer skills? Autodidactic, at school or on the job?'

If you acquired your computer skills by yourself then it shows a passion and an inherent curiosity. If you attained it at school then it shows you have an interest but are in this field strictly for a career. If you got your expertise at work then it emphasizes your attitude of being a team player. If it’s all three then the boss will be extremely pleased.

9. 'Do you regularly keep up with industry trends and updates? If so, how?'

Answering this question in the positive hints at your level of dedication to your trade. You don’t focus on computers during business hours, but rather you dedicate your entire life and free time to computer engineering, website design and Internet development. Also, if you have more than one source for your industry news then that’s another check mark on your side.

10. 'What’s your opinion about social media?'

Social media is here to stay, at least for another five years or so. Every website wants to integrate Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social networks to the website. Although you may dismiss social media as a short-term phenomenon, it’s best to offer a professional and scientific reason of doing so. However, note that you understand it very well and you will incorporate it into their website.

A website manager is an important position in both the public and private sectors. A website manager is versatile, technical and professional, who can adapt to any situation and website platform. They can remedy technical matters, answer any question in laymen terms and advance a website to the next stage. Remember, it’s a competitive field, so the more you know the better it is for you.


Photo by Martin Terber via Flickr