How to Make Your Résumé Aesthetically Appealing

Résumé Aesthetically Appealing

It is vital that your résumé stands out from the competition and one effective way of achieving this is to make your résumé aesthetically pleasing. The presentation of résumé can be as important as the content itself, particularly for jobs in the creative field, such as art workers and marketing professionals.

The following points detail how you can achieve an aesthetically pleasing résumé that will enable you to stand out from the crowd when applying for jobs.

  • Do not justify the text on your résumé as this can lead to obscure spacing between words
  • Keep the margins at approximately 2.5 cm and ensure appropriate spacing around headers
  • Try not to underline headers and maintain the same font, size and styling throughout
  • Keep the same size of text and font on each page and do not exceed two pages in length. Times New Roman or Ariel are most commonly used.
  • Create a footer or header with your name, page number and contact details
  • It is important that your résumé is computer written and not produced by hand, this will ensure it is neat while also enabling recruiters to upload the résumé to their site
  • Where applicable you may include links to sites, blogs, social networking sites in order to highlight your skills, work produced or positive personality traits.
  • Use appropriate keywords throughout your résumé, this will ensure recruiters find it when searching to fill relevant job vacancies
  • Keep the use of tables, graphs and other formatting styles to a minimum as it may prove difficult for recruiters to upload
  • When using bullet points, you should keep the same structure and styling each time
  • It is important keep the use of colored text to a minimum. It is practical to use black or grey as most resumes will be printed off in black and white.
  • It is imperative to proof read the content and ensure no spelling mistakes are evident
  • If you are required to print off your résuméto take to an interview, make sure you print on high quality paper

By following the above-mentioned tips on how to make your resume presentable for potential employers, you can ensure that your résumé leaves a lasting impression with the recruiter.